Tips to work from home and stay productive during the Coronavirus Outbreak
Many of us are spending a lot more time at home right now since many districts in India are under lockdown due to corona virus outbreak.The expectation to work is the same, but the environment is not. The key to work-from-home is to create an environment that allows you to focus on the tasks at hand. Whether you are working from home for the first time or it’s just a refresher, here are some tips on how to stay productive while working from home. Have a separate Work Space Just as you made your office workspace your own, you need to carve out workspace of your own at home. Establishing a distinct work environment is important. If you already have an at-home office or desk, carry out your day to day work from there. If you don’t, try to create an office space that is comfortable for you to work. Psychologically, this will help you to create a distinction of sorts between your work and family life and responsibilities, and it also will help others at home that while you are a...