Benefits and Disadvantages of Living in the City

God made every human different, with their own set of likes and dislikes that are unique to each one of them. And when it comes to choosing between dwelling in the cities or the suburbs, opinions are always divided on which one is better; the city-dwellers would never kowtow to living in the suburbs and vice versa as country-living is as different from living in the city as white is from black!

Many would argue that living in the city is better as you have access to numerous facilities which would otherwise be hard to avail of if living in the suburbs or rural areas. For example, the best hospitals and medical facilities are only available in the cities, so to access these facilities, you will need to travel to the city if you aren’t living there. This can prove to be inconvenient as changing base when sick is tough aside from being expensive. But then there is the flip side of the coin too that people who live away from cities don’t usually get the numerous kind of diseases that city-dwellers are prone to. There are more cases of stress and pollution-related diseases here than in the rural areas, with cardiac diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity and asthma ruling the roost.

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