Top 5 Ways to Beat the Heat

Dreaded days of Summer are around the corner and the heat is already high. Its slowly getting difficult to stay indoors with the heat trapped in your home. Few more days, we will be tossing and turning in bed with no much sleep because of the heat, as the peak summertime gets to us.

It’s not possible for all to have Air conditioning units all-around your home to bring the temperature down. So, here are a few important tips and tricks to keep your home cool during the season –

1) Indoor Plants
Keeping indoor plants in your home is the best way to keep the space cool and enhance the quality of the air. They also help in keeping the ambience visually appealing. Plants like Aloe vera, Areca palm, baby rubber plants etc. can help remove the toxins from the air and bring down the temperature considerably. Also placing them close to the windows will help in absorbing the heat and create a cooling effect in the room.

2) Keep the Sun out
Closing windows and curtains during the day will not let the heat in when the temperatures soar especially during the peak hours.

3) Cut the Artificial Light
Inside the home, one of the major heat sources is electronics. It’s recommended to turn off the lights, TV etc. to keep the heat down during the summers. You can opt for natural light during the day. Placing a pedestal fan in front of the window can push the blowing hot air out.


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